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Noisey Show

Donald Trump, Who Lies Constantly, Spent His First Few Days as President Lying

President Trump, who lied about 3 Doors Down being good, continues to lie about things people can see with their own eyes.

Despite the fact that he loves bragging about his intelligence, Donald Trump speaks below a sixth-grade level, he admittedly doesn't read books, and he cites himself as his most trusted foreign policy consultant. Nevertheless, much like no actual smart person ever does, Trump routinely insists that he is smart. He has three main arguments on which he hangs the illusion of intellect, which he repeated ad nauseum on the campaign trail, and continues to repeat to anyone who will listen. The first is that he attended the Wharton School, a private Ivy League business college—a completely meaningless accomplishment since any rich boy with a connected daddy can, and usually does, coast through an education and into a cushy job (Hi, George W. Bush!). The second is that his uncle was an M.I.T. professor. Trump often credits his uncle as his source of his "very good genes" including once in a legendary, 90-second run-on sentence that is such a massive nut-kick to the English language that it ironically would take several M.I.T. professors to dissect it. And lastly, Trump's third, most impregnable defense of his own superior intellect: "Trust me." Trust him. Put your faith in the capable, not at all doll-like hands of Donald Trump. After all, he "has a very good brain," he "knows all the best words," and is "like, a really smart person." He ended so many sentences with "trust me" or "believe me" in debates and speeches that it became something of a catchphrase for him, eclipsing his previous one which took delight in stripping people of their jobs. Read more on Noisey
