This story is over 5 years old.


Magic Johnson Owns Michigan on Twitter

Michigan gets Magic's statue. Magic gets Michigan.

Michigan beat my statue, but they couldn't beat the MSU Football team! Lol #GoGreen #GoWhite
— Earvin Magic Johnson (@MagicJohnson) October 18, 2015

Well, you still got it, Magic. After an astounding last-second victory over Michigan, Magic Johnson's alma mater Michigan State got the best of some statue-defacing hooligans. And Magic didn't let it slide.

On Thursday, some ruffian delinquent hooligan goons from Michigan decided to deface a 12-foot, 6,000-pound Magic Johnson statue, and Johnson was having none of it.

In fact, before the big game the man tried to even the score in the classy way that he knows best:

I'm looking forward to seeing my MSU Spartans beat UofM on Saturday! @MSU_Football #GoGreen #GoWhite
— Earvin Magic Johnson (@MagicJohnson) October 16, 2015

Simple, effective, clean—Johnson has the last laugh with his prediction. At least he's laughing more than constipation-Harbaugh right now.