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Internet Activists Plot 2018 Electoral Revenge Against Republican Privacy Sellouts

Coming soon to a GOP district near you: street protests, billboards, and online organizing campaigns.

President Trump and his Republican allies in Congress recently rammed through legislation allowing broadband giants like Comcast, Verizon and AT&T to sell private consumer data to the highest bidder without asking for user permission.

Now, furious open internet advocates are developing political strategies and street-level tactics designed to hold Republicans accountable in the 2018 midterm elections for what privacy watchdogs are calling one of the most brazen corporate giveaways in recent US history.

Consumer advocates know that the privacy rollback—which eliminates the Federal Communications Commission's landmark 2016 broadband protections—is extremely unpopular with the American people. And they're not going to let voters forget how more than 200 GOP lawmakers sold out consumer privacy to the nation's largest internet service providers.

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