This story is over 5 years old.


Clyde’s Corner – Do You Suffer from Bitchassness

Bitchassness is a term coined by Diddy on 'Making the Band.' It means overall stank actions towards others through words, facial expressions, and/or song. Symptoms include thinking you’re better than those around you.

Bitchassness noun

Term coined by Diddy on Making the Band. Overall stank actions towards others through words, facial expressions, and/or song.

Symptoms include: Thinking you’re better than those around you, not speaking your true feelings, throwing large amounts of shade.

Y’all think this is funny? I’m being dead serious. A lot of y’all suffer from bitchassness. You might not know it, so being the friend I am, I’ll give you a test to let you in fact know if you suffer from this pitiful disease. It’s actually pretty curable, so don’t feel bad. In the meantime, knowing is half the battle. So, lets get this going.

  • Do you get angry when you see something online and feel you have to respond?
  • Does it bother you to see others smiling and enjoying themselves when you’re having a bad day?
  • Do you ever feel as if a random Facebook post is somehow directed at you?
  • Do you believe typing in caps is necessary to get a point across?
  • Do you usually get involved in other peoples business?
  • Are you OK with your significant other looking through your phone?
  • Do you gossip about people, then hang out with them like its all good?
  • Have you ever recited Flo Rida’s “Low” word-for-word?
  • Do you own at least four Jason Statham movies?
  • Are you OK with borrowing things?
  • Do you believe there’s a better chicken spot than Popeye's?
  • Are you okay with loaning things out?
  • Would you dance to Flo-rida’s “Low” if a really fine girl asked you to?
  • If your meal was a total of $25.69 and you only had a $20 and a $10, would you let the server keep the change?
  • Do you usually find yourself speaking about things you don’t know?
  • Do you wear Band-Aids?
  • Does it bother you that Barack Obama is President and you can’t do anythiny about it but complain on Facebook all day?
  • Have you ever looked through your significant others phone?
  • If you had a sister, would you be OK with me dating her and tearing her sugar walls up every night?

Ok. I think that’s about enough. Now, lets tally up the score. For every yes, you get two points. If your score is 12 points or higher, you suffer from bitchassness. I’m pretty sure some of y’all even got in the high-teens, but it’s all good. At least you know where you stand. If it makes you feel a little better, give the test to one of your friends. Thanks for being part of my research group and if you have any questions I’ll probably be somewhere finding a fuck to give. Until next time.
