This story is over 5 years old.


Custom Built Orchestra Uses Instruments Made From Fallen Tree Branches And Pierced Light Bulbs

Conventional musical instruments just won’t do for Diego Stocco.

Diego Stocco - Custom Built Orchestra from Diego Stocco on Vimeo.

Ordinary musical instruments just don’t cut it for Diego Stocco. He’s a man who’s previously made music from a burning piano, a tree, bees and nuts, even some sand. And now he’s decided to create his own orchestra with some hand-built instruments in Custom Built Orchestra.

Not only has he made the instruments, but he also plays each one. These hybrid musical tools include an Experiviolin, which has the body of a violin, the neck of an electric guitar, and acoustic guitar strings, an Experibass which uses a violin, viola, and cello neck and sticks them on the body of a double bass, a Luminopiano which uses pierced light bulbs with a microphone placed inside, even an electro-acoustic instrument which uses a tree branch he found on the street.

The music he makes with this set is haunting and orchestral, and it’s almost hard to tell he’s using modified instrumentes, except at a few choice points when you hear something unusual.

[via Vimeo]
