This story is over 5 years old.


2017's Greatest Gift Was a Very Cute Yakuza Twitter Account

yakuzasoftbot takes Yakuza screencaps and beautifies them with filters, blushing stickers, sparkles and more.
All images courtesy Yakuzasoftbot

If you’ve browsed Twitter lately, you know it’s been an exhausting experience. While it’s a great place to get news, quickly chat with friends, and network, misinformation spreads quickly. We’re often forced to see things we aren’t prepared to see, and, let’s face it… main is just awful sometimes.

Just last month, though, we were given one of the greatest digital gifts of the year, a Twitter account called yakuzasoftbot that posts screencaps of the Yakuza characters. These aren’t just your regular screencaps, though. They’re covered in everything from cat ear stickers to sparkles, blushing cheeks, and more, and they’re perfect.


I chatted with the person running the account and they filled me in on how it started and where their love for the franchise stems from.

“I’m a new player to the series, picked it up on impulse about a month ago after seeing my friends talking about it, and I was really sick and stuck at home at the time when I started playing. It really helped me focus on something while I was recovering!

As for the soft account, I’ve been making silly little things like this for various series, but for some reason I thought these guys looked the cutest? So I went ahead and (again, on impulse) made the yakuzasoftbot account! I honestly can’t believe the reception, people are so kind and I’m really happy my cutesy posts make people smile!”

As someone who also picked up Yakuza 0 as my first Yakuza game just a few months ago, I feel a very similar passion for the franchise, and I am SO THANKFUL this account exists. The creator let me know they’ve played 0-3 and have started on Yakuza 4, which is great news for us yakuzasoftbot fans out there. According to the bio, you can also message or tweet at the account for special requests!

Do yourself a favor and check out yakuzasoftbot. Brighten up your timeline and your day. Stare at a picture of Majima with kitty ears and whiskers. You won’t regret it.