This story is over 5 years old.


We Interviewed Macka B, That Guy Who Went Viral Rapping About Cucumbers

There are still good and pure things in this world.
Daisy Jones
London, GB

Think of all the songs you listened to this week; on the bus, in the club, in your bedroom, out someone's car window. Now think about what those songs were about. Chances are—and this is based on absolutely no factual data—they centered on one of the following: sex, love, money, or getting trashed.

There's a reason most songs are about those subjects: they are our driving forces, the reason we unglue our eyes in the morning, take a breath of new-day air and plough onwards with our lives. They are the reason we speak to each other, the reason our thoughts continue to flow and pretty much the only reason for continued existence.

But maybe we've been restricting ourselves to those four depressing themes this whole time. Maybe life isn't just about fucking and getting fucked, in all senses of the word. Maybe there are other subjects that can get our juices flowing, get us pumped about being alive and inspire musicians to create with enough passion that will have us ugly crying on the sticky club floor at closing time because we relate so hard.

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