This story is over 5 years old.


New York - Travesser Comes Clean

We were a little oblivious to the big ol’ can of God-worms we were opening when we posted our interview with Michael Travesser (the supposed second coming of Christ) and then the subsequent email sent to us by one of his former followers. Suffice it to say, the deluge of comments that ensued from the Big Man himself and his devotees probably would have creeped the shit out of us if we could make heads or tails of what all they were on about half the time…


Travesser and his pals steadfastly denied bedding down nude with his virgins, but then over the weekend we anonymously received this 50-page screed about the “Spiritual Consummation of the Seven Virgins.” We know what you’re thinking, “So, did he zoink them or what?”

Well, here’s a greatly, greatly abridged version of what we were sent if you want to try to figure it out and tell us, but we understand if you’re getting a little yawny at this whole thing (we’re starting to feel the same way)…

The Father in heaven has recently taken our church into a deeper experience, especially in regard to the earth view of God’s images and symbols as opposed to seeing them from the viewpoint of heaven… In our land here, I saw that God was setting up circumstances with us, to bring men to judgment. This judgment was not merely for those in the world, but for those closely associated with our own congregation. It would be a judgment based on how men judge themselves…

The Father told me that the judgment would begin when two young virgins would come and ask to lie naked on my bed with me. The Father did not reveal to me that I should be naked with them. I dared not share this with anyone, not even my closest associates, to avoid a personal creation of those things out of the imaginations of men. I never uttered a word of what Father had shown me. This startling revelation would indeed serve to judge the church, for it would open up into a giant exposure the true motives and intents of the soul… The two virgins who were to come, would be seen by me as pure, holy, souls, whom I was responsible for. They would be as children to me, innocently coming to lie down with and be close to daddy. But the world would view this from their own perverted tendencies, and their own lusts, and see either the girls, or myself, as coming from the place of sexual attraction, or with me, molestation…


What actually would be happening is that the young virgins would be coming to lie naked with God, and His Spirit would come upon them and deliver them from their fears and personal torments. I would hold them, put my hand on their heart, and they would be healed. At the same time, the world stands judged because if this were to happen in the world, the girls would be molested and the men of earth would be hot and salivating to do something to them. For me, the young women would be as with a physician, and one who understands the issues of the heart and soul. It is my Life for theirs. Two weeks after Father told me these things, beginning July 12, a young woman came to my house. She stated to me after some discussion that it was on her heart to lie naked on my bed with me. I remembered what God had already told me would happen, so I consented, fulfilling the Word as from the Father in heaven. After the virgin woman left my house, I knew the second virgin would soon come.

The next day, July 13, another young woman came to my door. She seemed quite troubled and afraid to tell me what the Father had put upon her to do. I waited and she finally told me that Father had put upon her to lie naked with me on the bed. She said that the vision had been coming to her for about two weeks. This was the second virgin, as the Father had said. The Father told me that this event would also mark the acceptance of the church. What this revealed was that the church, “the Woman,” would lie down naked and yielded to the Son of God… Immediately the five other young women whom the Father had called to be His messengers came to me individually and told me that it was on their hearts to come and lie naked with me on my bed. But there was more.


The young ladies shared with me that they saw clearly that I am the Son of God, and their desire to be with me was not a human drawing. Since receiving their request, they shared how they had been delivered from fears and other emotions that had troubled them, when they were naked and vulnerable with me on my bed, and six of the young women desired a closer connection with me and asked for an intimate physical relationship with me. My response to each one was that the Father would arrange those things which were on His heart to accomplish and He would arrange anything which was to come. This revelation was initially startling to me, for I had never considered it before they had requested it of me.

My first inner-response to these “intimacy” requests was a terror of what that would mean to me. For one thing, I had no desire for a physical relationship with these young women. It was not that they were not worthy souls, but the mountain of impossibilities for these things seemed staggering. I began to consider the ramifications and my self-interests. Could I survive such a thing? But more than that, two of the young women were legally minors, and that could mean jail time… Now it becomes evident how the church would be judged by these events. Two of those persons who requested intimacy were minors. Truly, if I were to carry out this request, I would, according to the state, be a criminal… Shortly after this, while in prayer one evening when I told God that I would not be doing these things, I felt the Holy Spirit leave me.

I felt as though the Father was saying to me, “Okay, I will release you and get someone else to carry out My purposes.” I was suddenly stricken with a terror I have not felt before. Also, I was without God, and confusion began to set into my mind. I called out immediately for the Father and asked Him not to take His Holy Spirit from me, for I would be left desolate… After this revelation of the removal of the Spirit, I told the Father that I would do whatever He asked of me, but I could not live without His Spirit. I prayed this way for about three days, and on the third day the Holy Spirit returned in a double portion… I decided not to share any of these things with the parents or the church members, and I told the girls to keep it to themselves and speak of it to no one. I did this to take the “cult leader” pressure out of it. I knew that men of influence might be able to convince their congregations to do one thing or another… Their earth view, the carnal and natural view of man, with their own perversions, blocked them from seeing heaven’s view.

One sister wrote to me a little time ago and said, “I want to go all the way with God or not go at all.” So, Father said, “Okay, I will give you something to go all the way with.” So He brought the vision to her, and she did not even go one step with God. She stopped right there, consulting her miserable flesh, to see if it was safe to follow God. She was like the Israelites who feared their earthly giants and would not go all the way into Canaan with God. They failed, and were doomed to spend the rest of their lives in their wilderness wanderings, lost and without God in their natural world. I would not give a stick for any soul’s religion that is a religion of self-protection. The religion of my Father is intimate, vulnerable, naked, and truthful. One of the Seven said to me, “I saw that our nakedness is the returning of the soul to Eden. Adam and Eve were bound up in their flesh when clothed, but when naked they could walk in the cool of the evening with the heavenly Master without shame or deception…”

This hard time was also meant to drive away the dishonest in heart who lie about believing in God when they do not believe in God at all. They only believe in their perverted imagination formed by the corruptions of their own mortality. They say that they want to go all the way with God, but they do not mean it. They actually go all the way with their flesh instead. The Father has revealed these most difficult things to make His children ready for the year of rest, and to thrust the dishonest in heart into their year of trouble. For as the children of Israel, they are disingenuous and self deceived… No matter what the future holds, as I laid on my bed, the Father told me this: Tell the mob, who is against this land, there is no child pornography, adultery, fornication, molestation, human marriage, polygamy, or sex. Those are the crimes of your world, but not the crimes of My world.