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gif six pack

6 Reasons Doodling Is Better Than Drugs | GIF Six-Pack

Celebrate Doodle Day with six GIF artists who drew drawings about drawing.

Our nation's Doodle Day coinciding with New York Art Week is like a super-blood-moon-eclipse of creative juju (today is also What If Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs? Day, just a heads-up). Whether it's gravity-defying cement blocks or fire-responsive paint, the crazy ideas are out en force on the Eastern seaboard.

Most of these concepts were, at some point, likely scrawled on a piece of paper. Artists like Maremonstrum and Thoka Maer, who hand-draw their GIFs, introspect on their craft in the loops below. Lucea Spinelli's light drawings add a new dimension to the concept of doodling, and Graphonaute's take on putting pen to paper—without the paper—is simply mesmerizing. Check out their work below.


Lucea Spinelli


Toby Cooke



Thoka Maer

See more doodle GIFs on GIPHY.


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