
Daily Horoscope: September 17, 2020

There's a new moon in Virgo today!
Robin Eisenberg

The moon in Virgo connects with power planet Pluto at 3:05 AM, bringing emotional breakthroughs. Mercury clashes with Jupiter at 6:35 AM, creating an optimistic atmosphere, but watch out for exaggerations. The new moon in Virgo arrives at 7:00 AM and we’re wiping the slate clean. Examine your perfectionist tendencies and consider how you might be more helpful to others. The moon enters justice-oriented air sign Libra at 2:56 PM and connects with Saturn at 7:42 AM. The sun connects with Saturn at 5:36 PM, encouraging a responsible and supportive atmosphere.


All times ET.


Big conversations concerning your relationships and career take place as Mercury clashes with Jupiter. You’re working out a new schedule with the new moon in Virgo, and supportive energy flows for productivity as the sun connects with Saturn.


Big ideas are shared as Mercury clashes with Jupiter, but don’t make promises you can’t keep. A fresh start arrives in your love life with the new moon in Virgo, and supportive energy flows as the sun makes a harmonious connection with Saturn, encouraging maturity and longevity.


Your ruling planet Mercury clashes with Jupiter, bringing big news and exciting plans! The new moon in Virgo brings a fresh start to your living situation. The sun connects with Saturn, encouraging a responsible atmosphere.


Chatty Mercury clashes with Jupiter—watch out for exaggerations, but enjoy the open-minded atmosphere today. A fresh start in communication arrives with the new moon in Virgo. The sun and Saturn create a supportive energy in your relationships.


Communication planet Mercury clashes with lucky Jupiter, bringing exciting news, but don’t overcommit to things today. A fresh start arrives in your finances with the new moon in Virgo. The sun connects with Saturn, creating a helpful energy for productivity.


Your ruling planet Mercury clashes with Jupiter and there is a new moon in your sign today, Virgo, creating an imaginative atmosphere and inspiring a fresh start. It’s a great time to switch up your look. The sun connects with Saturn, creating a supportive energy in your love life and your creative endeavors.



Chatty Mercury clashes with Jupiter, creating a busy and social energy, but the new moon in Virgo may also find you feeling sleepy. It’s time to rest! The sun connects with Saturn, helping you get cozy at home.


Mercury clashes with Jupiter, bringing unexpected news. Try not to gossip too much! The new moon in Virgo brigs a fresh start to your social life. The sun connects with Saturn, creating a supportive energy for communication.


Mercury clashes with your ruling planet Jupiter, bringing big conversations about money. The new moon in Virgo brings a fresh start in your career, and supportive energy flows in your finances as the sun connects with Saturn.


Mercury squares off with Jupiter, bringing exciting conversations about your career. The new moon in Virgo brings a fresh start concerning travel and education, and a supportive atmosphere flows around these themes as the sun connects with your ruling planet Saturn.


Mercury clashes with Jupiter, bringing exciting news, but watch out for exaggerations. The new moon in Virgo arrives and it’s a great time to handle a debt. The sun connects with your ruling planet Saturn, helping you sort out your boundaries.


Mercury clashes with your ruling planet Jupiter, creating a fun energy in your friendships. The mood is generous and open-minded, but don’t overcommit yourself. A fresh start arrives in your relationships with the new moon in your opposite sign Virgo. The sun connects with Saturn, creating a supportive energy in your social life.

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