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Live Vicariously Through The Guy Who Spent His Birthday Getting Free Food All Over Town

Kent Yoshimura recently decided he wanted to relive the good old days when birthdays were all free Grand Slam breakfasts and gratis desserts.
Photo via Kent Yoshimura

There's a point in life where birthdays stop being a carefree montage of fluffy cake and funny hats, and start coming with a price tag. Fortunately, with a few online resources and a willingness forego some dignity, getting free stuff on your birthday is actually pretty easy.

Kent Yoshimura, a multimedia artist and entrepreneur living in Los Angeles, recently decided he wanted to relive the good old days when birthdays were all free Grand Slam breakfasts and gratis desserts, and he documented the whole thing in a viral video where he racks up nearly $100 of goodies for free.


"Although I'm not a big fan of birthdays," he says in the intro of the video, "I am totally willing to take full advantage of it."

READ MORE: Singing 'Happy Birthday' Is the Most Depressing Part of Being a Waiter

With a 24-hour window on the clock, Yoshimura makes 11 different stops, traveling around L.A. and gobbling up as many freebies as he can get his hands on, including: a burger from Red Robin, froyo from Pinkberry, buffalo wings from Hooters (twice), and of course coffee from Starbucks (twice).

If you're interested to know what that list is at the beginning of his video, it's actually a Huffington Post article published in early 2016, listing dozens of restaurants offering birthday freebies. So, now you too have the know-how available to spoil yourself on your birthday, or at least make yourself feel a bit queasy.