Food Delivery Robots Could Soon Be Dropping Off Your Pizza


This story is over 5 years old.


Food Delivery Robots Could Soon Be Dropping Off Your Pizza

Your late-night pizza binges and lazy Saturday morning bagel orders are about to get a futuristic upgrade.

Your late-night pizza binges and lazy Saturday morning bagel orders are about to get a futuristic upgrade thanks to a new kind of a delivery service that replaces man with machine.

This week, Yelp's food delivery investment, Eat24, announced a partnership with Marble, the makers of "your friendly neighborhood robot," to begin testing robot food deliveries around San Francisco.

The Bay Area robotics company claims to be "creating a fleet of intelligent courier robots to reliably and securely transport the goods that people need and want in a way that is accessible to everyone." Though the Marble machines will replicate the duties of a red-blooded delivery person, don't expect a human-like Android to arrive at your door, tacos in tow.

The clunky machine, which looks more like an office copier on wheels than the Terminator, uses a combination of supercomputers, high-res 3D maps, cameras, and sensors to navigate the city with minimal collateral damage to passersby or your Pad Thai order. And while the street-savvy bot won't be able to climb up to your fifth floor walk-up, it does have a built-in security system, ensuring that no hungry thieves intercept your order along the way.

Read the full story on Munchies.