Martina Kix

  • Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Freezer

    According to Terre des Hommes, a group of gigantic-hearted folks that acts on behalf of mistreated kids, each year nearly 500 of these young people escape and seek refuge in Germany.

  • The best prostitute in Katowice

    A poll of 80 prostitutes from the greater area of Warsaw and Gdansk by Polish police last year gave a worrying result

  • Berlin's space station

    In Berlin’s underground there are ruins of a 4.5-million-year-old space station that uses the local TV tower as a transmitter.

  • Bible Babies

    Managed by their parents, on tour 365 days a year, and charging $900 for a two-hour sermon, child preachers are big business in Brazil. Each event is a finely tuned marketing maneuver promoted with posters, magazine coverage, and radio ads.