
  • Baked Apples with Mincemeat Recipe

    Because apples were meant for stuffing and baking.

  • Screw the Puritans and Eat More Mince Pies

    Supermarket pies are the bearers of gloom rather than culinary joy. Don’t buy your pies—make them yourself, because it ain’t that hard. And the classic mince pie, frowned upon by the Puritans, is as good a place to start as any.

  • Mince Pies

    The Puritans hated mince pie. Too bad, because these are damn easy to make and damn good, too.

  • You Think Fruitcake Is Gross?

    Presents are great, and so are singing and kissing and being merry, but the holidays also rely majorly on food. There are delicious birds and roasted nuts being served while your grandmother drunkenly yells above the various arguments going around the...
