The Literature Issue

  • Our Lord Jesus Christ

    Remember the first time you: French-kissed, rode a roller coaster, successfully shoplifted, went to a (good) punk show, held a puppy, fucked, got drunk, fell in love, realized you're gonna die, saw a rainbow.

  • Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail

    Alexandra Pelosi's latest home movie has been featured on everything from Dateline to the Today show and will soon air on HBO

  • Tidbits - The Literature Issue

    That didn't take long. The new wave electro revival is barely out of the gate and now we have companies like Target and Urban Outfitters already co-opting it for profit.

  • Target the Rainbow

    Marc Swanson is simultaneously Ted Nugent and Liberace.

  • Dos And Don'ts

    No weird shredded shirt or stupid tiny purse, just the bracelets and the hair thing and her favorite T-shirt and that's it. How fucking NewYork City is that?

  • Fiending To Get Off

    In a rap game teeming with hungry MCs fiending to get put on, Invincible's story is all about fiending to get off. At 17 she came to NYC from Ann Arbor, MI, and hung out at the Lyricist Lounge, eventually joining the all-female Anomolies posse. She...
