The Russia Issue

  • Vice Mail

    I should start this off by mentioning that I generally consider writing to publications, companies, or other abstract entities the exclusive province of dumbshits and an all-around waste of time.

  • Vice Pictures - Jerry Hsu Goes To Russia

    I flew into Moscow alone. After the 14-hour flight I got to stand in an immigration line for three hours while hundreds of Russians cut in front of me. They are the world’s greatest cutters.

  • Vice Fashion - Russian Guys Gone Wild

    I eat out every night. The money in promotion over here is ridiculous but there’s no such thing in Russia. I love it here and I hate my own cooking.

  • Drunky Monkey

    In Russia, it isn't just prison inmates who go without heat. One million homeless kids get in on the freezing-their-fucking-balls-off action too.

  • Vice Fashion - Homesick

    In 2004 Chechens took siege of a Beslan school and killed and injured up to 1000 people. There are about 1 million street kids in Moscow, infant death in Armenia is 36 to every 1000 and procreating close to Chernobyl is risky for the next 3 million...

  • The VICE Guide To Russia

    Russia is poisoned. It's poisoned from shitty old cars running on leaded 76-octane fuel and it's poisoned from decades of Soviet waste. Its capital is the largest city in Europe and the most polluted.

  • Whores On Wheels

    Moscow is awash in whores. They come to Russia's capital, the lone island of wealth in a Eurasian ocean of wretched poverty, from all over the former Soviet Union.

  • Over The Counter Habits

    The FSB (which is like the FBI but waaaay scarier) gassed the “Nord-Ost” hostages with it in October 2002 to prevent some Chechen mujahadeen from blowing the building up with 900 or so hostages inside. The women and children simply OD’d on the stuff...

  • Vice Fashion - True Riggers Don't Play

    And you thought wiggers were bad. At least some of them have met a black guy before and could kind of identify with what it's like to be poor and shat on in America.

  • Electric Independence

    "Vodka for Russians is like a warming water. When it's cold you have to drink a glass of vodka to feel warm-I don't drink vodka to get drunk," says Alexey Orchensky, the 20-year-old Russian genius behind Amen Orchestra.

  • Full Metal Torture

    Over the recent New Year's holidays, Private Andrei Sychyov's superiors tied him to a chair and beat him continuously for hours and hours, taking breaks only to sustain their drinking binge.

  • Russians in London

    Dasha is a 19-year-old Economics student and the only child of a media tycoon from Moscow. With a Hermès Birkin collection that would make Paris Hilton piss in her panties, Dasha loves to blow her family's cash.