This story is over 5 years old.


Talkin' 'Bout the Boards - This Article Sucks Ass and So Do You

Each week I sift through all of the comments left on this site and try to make art out of the dumb crap people write below articles.
Nick Gazin
Κείμενο Nick Gazin

Dear Everyone,

Each week I sift through all of the comments left on this site and try to make great art out of the dumb crap people write below articles. People love to hate comment culture, but there's something great about people having an idea, and within seconds of getting a feeling being able to express and share it with the world. I translate things that you spend seconds of your time doing into things that take me more seconds to draw. Nicholas


From: How to Look Like an Asshole on a Skateboard

From: Question of the Day - Have You Ever Seen a Ghost?

From: Question of the Day - Are Trees the Earth's Hair?

Previously - We're Outlawing Blowjobs

Follow Nick on Twitter and Instagram if you want! No pressure!