This story is over 5 years old.


Cats Are More Than Eye Candy

Look at these photos highlighting the individual personalities of nine cats for a little feline-sensitivity training, you asshole.
VICE Staff
Κείμενο VICE Staff

Cats are far and away the most adorable domesticated animals ever. Dogs? Fuck dogs. Cats have the rare ability to fight dangerous and terrifying animals—like snakes, for example—to the death, while maintaining an air of crippling cuteness. Dogs, at the other end of the spectrum, shit themselves and hide under beds when it thunders.

Maro Hagopian understands that while cats are ∞ adorbs, there's more to them than their good looks. Each one has a unique personality, and she has tried to capture those personalities with Nine Lives, a new series of photos taken over the last four months. The project focuses on nine cats, and Maro says "each cat is a personality, and I am conveying this through photography, and with the pop art style that I employ in my nightlife photography, and through their bios."

We've published the whole series below, but if you're around Brooklyn this weekend Maro will be showing the work on Saturday and Sunday at 1085 Willoughby Ave. #304 as part of Bushwick Open Studios. Full info here.