ann coulter

  • Oprah Accused a Swiss Person of Racism

    Media mogul Oprah Winfrey tried to buy a $40,000 handbag while in Switzerland for Tina Turner's wedding, but was told by a shopkeeper that she "couldn't afford it." Nevermind that Ms. Winfrey made $72 million last year. That ain’t “hood rich.” That’s...

  • "Asian Girlz" Is the Most Racist Song of All Time

    Asian people love this song, right? It's full of deep, complex, thoughtful emotions on your proud traditions. Oh… wait. You don’t like this song? You don’t want someone to “tofu all over you”? What about the part that references your “slanted eyes...

  • Ann Coulter Lists Her Favorite "Black Heroes"

    Ann Coulter receives this week’s Ann Coulter Award for Excellence in Racism for her article, “Unsung Black People.” These “black heroes” are the people who dare to be happy when a person is killed. She's had it up to here with all the black folk...

  • George Zimmerman Isn't White

    After being found not guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman is the focus of intense criticism, especially from groups who have painted him as a "white oppressor." Of course, Zimmerman's mother is Peruvian, which isn't exactly "white" by...

  • Johnny Depp Plays Native American in Movie, World Shrugs

    Johnny Depp’s new movie, The Lone Ranger, came out this week. In this hilarious romantic comedy, Mr. Depp portrays a potentially schizophrenic Native American named Tonto, who speaks in a bizarre broken English and talks to a dead bird that sits...

  • A Pork-Laced Bullet Designed to Kill Muslims

    Idaho-based company/racist joke Jihawg Ammo sells bullets coated with pork to protect God-fearing 'Mericans from the Islamist suicide bombers—the idea is that the pork will prevent the evil Muslims from going to Muslim heaven. I'm not sure it'll work.