
  • This Week's Bad News in a Thousand Words or Less

    Who remembers Dogmageddon, the weekly round-up of news about organized religions ruining the world? I'm back! Except this time, instead of examining religion, I’m recapping the news a.k.a. a wide swath of terrible people doing terrible things for no...

  • New York to Bloomberg: Drop Dead

    At the time of writing, Bill de Blasio has gleaned 40.2 percent of the vote in the New York Democratic mayoral primary. The other candidates fizzled out big time, owing, in the cases of Weiner and Quinn, to a widespread, accurate perception of their...

  • We Spoke to Innocent Men Who Were Stopped-and-Frisked

    Many people have talked about stop-and-frisk and the NYPD’s racial profiling, but we've heard little from those who have been unjustly stopped-and-frisked. We spoke to three innocent men who were stopped-and-frisked. These are their stories.

  • Who Protects New Yorkers from the NYPD?

    Nicholas Heyward is a haunted man. He is one of many New Yorkers who have lost loved ones to the police. The tragedy Heyward suffered has turned him into an activist. These days he spends much of his time calling for the Justice Department to review...

  • Komplaint Dept. Why. I Hate. Graffiti.

    Have you noticed how lame graffiti in New York has become in 2013? Especially the one-liners you see more and more of, with their pseudophilosophy and visual impairment. Where exactly is the art? And what's the message?

  • Relax, Soda Isn’t Killing Anyone

    A study says that 180,000 people die every year thanks to sugary drinks. Really? Like, if we could magically erase soda and energy drinks from the Earth, the 180,000 people who died of diabetes and heart disease would still be alive? That sounds right...