
  • Appalling Violence Ravaged Cairo Again This Weekend

    Bloodshed, tear gas, and plumes of acrid black smoke are never far from the streets of Cairo these days, and they returned this weekend as police fought with supporters of Egypt's ousted Islamist president, Mohamed Morsi.

  • The Burmese Muslims Who Are Refugees in Their Own Country

    Violence between Buddhists and Muslims in Meiktila, Burma, led to thousands of people—mainly Muslims—being displaced and forced to live in crowded camps indefinitely. When we visited them, we were followed everywhere by the police.

  • Furious Turks Are Back on the Protest Warpath

    Demonstrations representing a variety of causes continue to flare up in Istanbul and throughout the country, and troublingly, the police and Tayyip Erdoğan's government have responded to all of them with violence.

  • Loyalists Spent Friday Night Fighting Police in Belfast

    Northern Ireland's loyalists are pissed off. On Friday night they injured more than 50 cops, who—after adopting slightly softer tactics earlier this year when policing the flag protests and the Belfast Twelfth—were out in force to monitor a republican...

  • The Egyptian Army Massacred 72 Egyptians This Weekend

    The first bloodied victims began to arrive at the crude field hospital behind Cairo's Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque in the early hours of Saturday morning. To begin with, the main causes of the injuries were birdshot and tear gas, inflicted when security...

  • Have the Skouries Protesters Really Defeated the EU, Goldminers, and Terror Police in Greece?

    El Dorado, the Canadian company that owns controversial gold mines in Greece's Skouries forest, has announced that it will stop all works in the area until at least 2016. According to a company spokesperson, the reasoning behind this decision is that...