
  • Τα Χωριά του Καρκίνου

    Ο φωτορεπόρτερ Souvid Datta πήγε σε εκείνα τα χωριά, όπου κάθε δεύτερο σπίτι έχει χάσει και έναν άνθρωπο από καρκίνο.

  • King Coal's Last Stand

    If built, the Gateway Pacific Terminal in Washington State would double US exports of coal, a boon for the flagging domestic industry and energy-hungry China. But it would also send nine mile-and-a-half long coal-filled trains barreling through Seattle...

  • Coal Spills Can Ruin Everything, Too

    Oil spills and nuclear meltdowns hog the spotlight when we're talking energy disasters, but let's not forget about black-old coal here.

  • Miner's Welfare

    George Mills runs the show down at the Clifton Miner’s Welfare Social Club, deep in the heart of The Meadows area.

  • The Great Flood

    In October 2000, there was a flood in Inez, Kentucky. The EPA called it the worst environmental catastrophe in the history of the eastern United States.

  • Coal Every Day

    Steve Brierly is a coal merchant with a business on Ilkeston Road. We met him outside the chip shop when he was knocking off for the day. The next day we went back to his yard and talked about how the whole industry was screwed.