
  • Dear Mexican Cartels: Don’t Fuck with the Angels

    Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, has become known as the “murder capital of the world” thanks to the seemingly endless string of drug-cartel-related killings, and the law-abiding portion of the population is ready to try almost anything to stop the violence.

  • Season Finale

    It took a while for the Canadian literary establishment to accept Lynn Coady—her unpleasant gritty realism and fucked-up sex scenes didn’t go down too easily with the silk-stocking crowd. We’re honored to feature her new short story “Season Finale” in...

  • How to Punch Out a Paparazzo

    Socking a pap isn’t that hard. You too can be immortalized for punching some guy trying to take a photo of you, just like Sean Penn, Kanye West, Quentin Tarantino, and Chris Martin, by following these five easy steps.