Westboro Baptist Church

  • Satanists Turned the Founder of the Westboro Baptist Church’s Dead Mom Gay

    The Satanic Temple, a burgeoning community of worship devoted to the Dark Lord, has performed a “Pink Mass” over the grave of Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps Jr.’s dead mother, which means that now her spirit is now totally into other...

  • What Do Hate Groups Think of Anne Hathaway?

    Last week I called a bunch of hate groups to see how they felt about Jennifer Lawrence, and it turned out they, like everyone else on Earth, all liked her (kinda). So this week I decided to call up a few more hate groups and see what their feelings...

  • What Do Hate Groups Think of Jennifer Lawrence?

    Have you ever met anyone who doesn't like Jennifer Lawrence? No? Me either. But in the interest of presenting a fair and balanced argument, I decided to try and find some people who hate her. And who hates more shit than members of hate groups?

  • Anonymous' Battle Against the Westboro Baptist Church

    Westboro announced that they would be protesting the vigils for the victims of the Connecticut shootings in order “to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment." Holy shit, right? Well, certain members of Anonymous felt...

  • Vagina Vagina Vagina

    Decorum violation by disgusting women who carry around one of those gross hoo-has in her genital region will not be tolerated.