This story is over 5 years old.


Le 50 migliori battute sulla storia di 50 cent che ha finito i soldi

Internet, sei proprio un gran bel contenitore di comici!

I guess 50 cent is really worth 50 cents now

— Ya Local Side Ninja (@SAVAGE_OTAKU) July 13, 2015

Il Wall Street Journal ha comunicato al mondo che il rapper e leader della G-Unit 50 Cent è caduto in bancarotta. La battuta ovvia è che il ragazzo al momento vale meno del suo stesso nome, e più o meno tutto Internet lo sta dicendo.

Ok, ricominciamo. Curtis James Jackson III è conosciuto con il nome di "50 Cent." E 50 centesimi sono un'unità monetaria. Oggigiorno chi possiede cinquanta centesimi non è che sia proprio granché benestante; con i dovuti accorgimenti di inflazione sarebbero all'incirca cinque centesimi del 1950. Nel 1950, 50 centesimi sarebbero stati l'equivalente di 5 dollari odierni, con cui ti puoi comprare una bibita o un po' di caramelline, ma non è che sia comunque un granché di soldi, soprattutto per un rapper. Quindi, dato il suo nome, e dato che al momento il ragazzo è senza un soldo, le battute scorrono a fiume, in quel calderone di ironia che è il mondo di Internet.


La parola "ironia" è definibile come "uno stato di cose o un evento che sembra totalmente contrario a quello che uno si aspetta, con risultati spesso divertenti." Questa roba dei cinquanta centesimi è effettivamente divertente, dato che 50 Cent era anche famoso per avere un sacco di soldi, dato che è un rapper, ma ora invece sta in bancarotta, quindi il suo nome non è più tanto ironico, o forse lo è diventato? Ci stiamo confondendo. Insomma, in tanti, tra giornalisti e lettori, si sono sollazzati con la triste ironia di quel nome, soprattutto Gawker, il vincitore del premio ironia su internet di oggi, che titola un articolo in questo modo: "50 Cent Wishes He Had Fifty Cents Because He's Broke." È divertente perché quando non hai soldi per niente, avere almeno cinquanta centesimi significherebbe essere cinquanta centesimi più ricco di uno che è proprio senza soldi.

Dalla nostra, abbiamo tirato insieme i 50 tweet più divertenti riguardanti il fatto che 50 Cent ora sta in bancarotta, quindi ha 0 cent.

@jtbourne @WSJ 50 Cent is worth his namesake?

— Mohit (@DonMKB) July 13, 2015

50 cents current net worth : 50 cent

— Ben Conlon (@IIRougeII) July 13, 2015

Fiddy declared bankruptcy. So 50 Cent is not just his nickname anymore, it's his net worth? He's no longer welcome In Da Club, I guess…..

— markmckayradio (@markmckayradio) July 13, 2015

50 cent is pretty much worth 50 cents for real now… (Sorry, cannot resist a dig)

— Joyce Sim (@jovenatheart) July 13, 2015


Fa ridere perché è vero.

It is so fucking funny that 50 Cent isn't even worth 50¢ anymore lol

— i never follow-back (@ATHEIST_Blessed) July 13, 2015

50 Cent files for bankruptcy, declares total assets worth… 50c. dude needs to jump in the ring and fight MayWeather.

— Izzi (@nok4us) July 13, 2015

50 Cent's filing for bankruptcy? Wasn't he worth $140 million like a year ago? At least his name matches how much he now has left.

— Dean Shanghanoo (@_Shanghaid) July 13, 2015

50 cent always knew he would one day be worth……50ct otherwise he would choose the name 50 million… .

— Basuku (@Basuku) July 13, 2015

Qui abbiamo sicuramente un filosofo della scuola nominalista, è così?

50 cent bank account really only has 50 cents in it now. How unfortunate…

— Lenny Testaburger (@igotpLENNYmoney) July 13, 2015

@50cent is now officially worth 50 cent

— VonNicholas (@idipnick) July 13, 2015

50 cent named after his net worth

— Kuh-Reem (@WTFKAREEM) July 13, 2015

Damn 50 Cent really only worth 50 Cent right now smh

— Moses (@WordToMoses) July 13, 2015

Now he aint WORTH 50 cent. LOL

— Bridget Brighton Mod (@BrightonMOD1979) July 13, 2015

50 Cent is now worth 50 cents.

— JPL (@WhiteMale) July 13, 2015

Semplice ma vero.

@Edmontonsun so what you're saying is 50 cent isn't even worth half a dollar.

— Morgo McMorgo (@Morgo_82) July 13, 2015

50 Cent now worth fifty cents. Well done sir.

— Kevin McDermott (@KevinCMcDermott) July 13, 2015


50 cent is now worth 50 cents

— Roach ~_/ (@TheRoach821) July 13, 2015

50 Cent has officially become the most poetically ironic rap name is the history of Hip Hop. You are what you are worth…?

— Karisa Maxwell (@KarisaMaxwell) July 13, 2015

So you're telling me 50 Cent ain't even worth $0.50?

— Geechi (@brian_trejored) July 13, 2015

So if 50 cent is filing for bankruptcy, is he only worth 50 cents?

— Jake Auralight (@Gligar13) July 13, 2015

50 Cent. Where the value of his stage name is worth more than him #50Cent

— Sean Kelly (@seanakelly76) July 13, 2015

What if 50 cent is actually worth 50 cents?

— King (@CallMeMufasa) July 13, 2015

Fa pensare…

50 Cent is worth about that much

— nil gcm (@Mineswhat) July 13, 2015

50 Cent is now only worth… FIFTY CENTS!!!! BAAAAAAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA. This bankruptcy joke writes itself. :D

— Avalina Corazon (@AvalinaCorazon) July 13, 2015

Damn so 50 cent is now only worth 50 cents….

— Ryan (Robi)Robichaud (@ryan_robichaud) July 13, 2015

I guess 50 Cent really is only worth 50 cents

— Sage (@TweetsBy_Sage) July 13, 2015

50 Cent to only be worth 25 Cent after Bankruptcy!

— Bruno (@CorporalBruno) July 13, 2015

50 Cent is now worth that much!

— Darth Jeremy (@BautistaBomb) July 13, 2015


50 Cent is now worth about that.

— Aaron Gardner (@Aaron_RS) July 13, 2015

Net Worth: 50 cent

— Skateboard D (@TallDrkNSk8some) July 13, 2015


so word is 50 cent only worth 50 cent now. lol how that happen bruh this nigga made vitamin water and got a new movie coming out lol pitiful

— D $MACKS (@DylanSmacks) July 13, 2015

Guess 50 cent is now rly worth 50 cents heh.

— t hansen (@500DaysOfSassy) July 13, 2015

50 cent not even worth what his name is.

— cV (@Chad_Vetstein) July 13, 2015

Apparently 50 Cent overstated his net worth?

— Peter Archer (@MaizeingPete) July 13, 2015

Questa probabilmente è la battuta migliore!

50 Cent isn't worth .50 cents! hahahahahahaha

— RNRRemedy (@RNRRemedy) July 13, 2015

Haha so 50 Cent isn't even worth 50 Cent oh the irony

— Johnathon (@jashton22) July 13, 2015

So called rapper 50 Cent is now only worth 50 Cent #JustSaying

— Hanif Pankhania (@HanifPank) July 13, 2015

50 cent is now worth….. 50 cent

— liam (@lameharvey) July 13, 2015

La suspense mi ha quasi ucciso, ma alla fine che punchline!

50 cent is now worth about 50 cent

— Tyler Beardmore (@TylerBeardmore) July 13, 2015

Guess he'll be worth less than 50 Cents now

— Sebastien Robillard (@Fashionbpm) July 13, 2015

50 cent going bankrupt now means he's worth less than 50 cents, what a prick

— Ollie Dockery (@OllieDockery) July 13, 2015

50 cent just filed for bankruptcy. His actual net worth is 50 cents. Lol

— Sam G (@SamGoldberg8) July 13, 2015

Well looks like that nigga 50 cent is actually worth 50 cents now…

— Swhyte (@TheDarkskinSage) July 13, 2015


50 Cent, a rapper currently worth less than his own name.

— Joel Pawlowski (@Jpav1993) July 13, 2015

50 cent is worth about 50 cent

— barney (@MrBLester) July 13, 2015

50 cent, not only is it his name, it's his net worth

— Jack (@_JackTaylorrr) July 13, 2015

when 50 Cent is worth his name

— Kevin Carrisosa (@kevincarrisosa) July 13, 2015

Probabilmente oggi stesso, dato che sta in bancarotta.

So It's Finally happening Huh.. 50 Cent Is Worth About 50 Cent..

— Daniel-Ruben. (@DVRForever) July 13, 2015

Well apparently 50 Cent is worth about 50 Cents now

— Merk Kurdwin (@kirwanma) July 13, 2015

Wow, se avessimo un penny per ogni tweet simpatico avremmo 50 centesimi, che…. indovinate… è sicuramente 50 centesimi più dell'attuale patrimonio di 50 Cent.