Alle foto’s door Arthur Bondar en Oksana Yushko
De Olympische Spelen in Sotsji zijn Poetins kindje en iedereen mag het weten. Arthur Bondar en Oksana Yushko liepen rond in Sotsji en maakten foto’s van alle opmerkelijke taferelen die ze tegenkwamen.
Passersby peer through a fence to view the games live on LED screens.
A policeman guards the live-viewing area.
A man shows his Russian pride on a walkway in the Olympic Village.
The beach area in downtown Sochi.
Dressed in the Russian Olympic uniform, a fan prays at Saint Michael’s Cathedral on the eve of the opening ceremony.
A woman peddles Olympic souvenirs and flags in town.
Police with dogs keep watch over every corner of the city.
A couple, Fedor and Veronika, decided to exchange marital vows in Russian Olympic uniforms on the day of the opening ceremony.
Fedor and Veronika celebrate their wedding.
Visitors party in a fast-food restaurant in the center of Sochi.
A group of young Russian dancers strike a pose.
The best-known gay club in Sochi—Mayak.
Songs and disco balls at Mayak, Sochi’s premier gay club.
Performers getting ready in Mayak’s dressing room.
A Cossack guard patrols a viewing area in Rosa Khutor, home to many of Sochi’s skiing events.
A bird’s-eye view of Sochi and the Black Sea.
Dmitriy and Kristina with their family, watching the opening ceremony in their house in Medoveevka, a village nearby.
A police speedboat arrives at Sochi’s harbor.
Travelers stand at the waterfront, photographing the ocean liners that brought foreigners to the Olympic Games.
A view of the visitor-filled ocean liners stationed in Sochi’s port on the Black Sea.
Construction workers leave the mountains for Krasnaya Polyana after a hard day’s work.
The mountains above Krasnaya Polyana, where the main Olympic competitions take place.
The fence surrounding the police base in the Olympic Village, where officers were sent from all over Russia.
People taking photos with the Olympic Rings in Sochi’s main square.
People photograph each other in downtown Sochi.