This story is over 5 years old.

Newsy Noisey

Freddie Gibbs uniewinniony

Prawnik rapera wydał oświadczenie po tym, jak jego klient został uniewinniony w sprawie o napaść seksualną.

Freddie Gibbs jest niewinny - orzekł austriacki sąd w sprawie o napaść seksualną. Informację o decyzji sądu przekazał jego menadżer Ben Lamber, najpierw postując ją na Twitterze​, a potem ponownie umieszczając ją na Instagramie​.​

Gibbs został aresztowany w czerwcu​ tego roku we Francji podczas europejskiej trasy koncertowej. Domniemana napaść miała miejsce w Wiedniu w 2015 roku. W sierpniu raper wyszedł na wolność po wpłaceniu kaucji w wysokości 50 tysięcy euro. Jeśli oskarżenie okazałoby się prawdą, Gibbs mógłby spędzić za kratami nawet 10 lat.


Prawnik Gibbsa, Theodore Simon, wydał oświadczenie, które możecie w całości przeczytać poniżej.

"Today, September 30, 2016 Freddie Gibbs was found not guilty. We have always maintained unconditionally and without any doubt that Freddie would be and now has been fully exonerated and completely vindicated. We are pleased and thankful that the court recognized the same trust and confidence we and all of his fans have had in Freddie that justified and resulted in his absolute acquittal. Immediately after his acquittal I spoke with Freddie who expressed his deeply sincere, heartfelt gratitude and thanks to his fiancé Erica Dickerson for her unwavering support, for the steadfast and incomparable loyalty of his long time friend and manager Ben "Lambo" Lambert, for the extraordinary work and effort of his lawyers and for the overwhelming outpouring of love he has received from his fans. He says, "Thank you!"

"While we are appreciative of the verdict of not guilty, nothing has changed. The actual facts have always demonstrated that Freddie was and is 100% innocent. It is now self-evident he was wrongly accused. The trial has confirmed our belief that after a searching and complete investigation and trial the true and actual facts would be revealed - that there always was an absence of any scientific, physical, or credible evidence that would warrant in any way such an accusation. Freddie and his family look forward to returning to the States so he can resume his life and career."

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