Watch Two Sneak Peeks from This Week's HBO Episode


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Watch Two Sneak Peeks from This Week's HBO Episode

This week we head to Egypt to investigate the looting of priceless antiquities and then travel to China, where millionaires pay big bucks to bring white guys to their parties.

So far this season, VICE has investigated climate change, police militarization, dangerous legal highs, and more. This week, we head to Egypt, where the looting and sale of priceless antiquities has surged in the aftermath of the Arab Spring. Host Gianna Toboni meets some of the people behind the black market trade as well as those trying to preserve what's left of Egypt's archeological heritage.

Then, Thomas Morton heads to China to investigate a unique form of employment. Despite the fact that China is on track to dominate the world economy, the country still looks at the Western white male as the epitome of cultural cachet. Among China's growing upper class—there are now more than 2 million millionaires in the country—nothing is cooler than importing a European butler or having a white businessman appear at your event. You can even rent a white guy by the hour or by the day. We went to Chengdu to explore these unusual jobs, whose only requirement is that the applicant be white and male.

Watch VICE Fridays on HBO at 11 PM, 10 PM central, or stream it via HBO Now.