
Krvave fotografije fajt kluba za holandske tinejdžere

Victor Blanchevoye, Hoodfights Tiel – collage of two photos. Left: referee coming to separate a fight where two teens are wrestling on the ground. Right: close up of a fighter with a bloody face.

Verzija ovog članka je prvobitno objavljena na VICE Belgium.

Fotograf iz Brisela Viktor Blanševo (23) obožava borbene sportove. Nakon što je kopao po društvenim mrežama, pronašao je Hood Fights Tiel, borilački klub sa sedištem u gradu Tiel na istoku Holandije. Premisa kluba je jednostavna: ko je zainteresovan može da se dođe tu usred ničega i da se potuče sa nekim.

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Tokom tuče, ljudi stoje u krugu oko dva protivnika i sudije. Ne postoje posebna pravila, ali ideja je da stvari budu civilizovane. Utakmice se takođe snimaju na video snimku i postavljaju na klupski Jutjub kanal sa aktivnim komentarima u pozadini. Ljudima u publici je takođe dozvoljeno da snimaju slike i video zapise.

Blanševo je bio na oko 15 ovih borbi. U početku je bio malo neodlučan jer nije znao kakve će likove upoznati. „U ovom svetu ima mnogo neonacista“, kaže Blanševo . Na sreću, to uopšte nije bio slučaj. „Učesnici dolaze sa svih strana i često predstavljaju svoju zemlju porekla ili svoju zajednicu“, nastavlja on. “Ima malo olimpijskog osećaja u tome.”

Hoodfights Tiel – group of young men standing in a circle in the middle of a field
Foto: Victor Blanchevoye

Sve u svemu, kaže da je sparing prilično lagan i da se ovo smatra nekom vrstom treninga. „Jednog dana, policajci su došli samo da vide da je sve u redu, i bio sam iznenađen kada sam otkrio da nemaju problema sa tim“, kaže Blanševo. „Za mene je jedino pitanje da bi organizatori trebalo više da vode računa o padovima. I bilo bi dobro imati ljude pri ruci da nose borce ako ima povreda.”

Iznenađujuće, većina boraca su super mladi – uglavnom oko 17 godina. „Onaj koji me najviše inspiriše je Amidou“, kaže Blanševoje. Sa 17 godina, Amidou (koji nije želeo da podeli svoje prezime iz razloga privatnosti) je šampion grupe. „Pored toga što je super jak, prosto mi je nekako dirljiv. Uvek se pojavi okružen čitavom svojom bandom.”

U nastavku pogledajte više fotografija Hood Fights Tiel:

Victor Blanchevoye, Hoodfights Tiel – group of young men celebrating and group hugging after a win.
Amidu, u centru, slave ga njegovi saborci. Foto: Victor Blanchevoie
Victor Blanchevoye, Hoodfights Tiel – young shirtless man holding his opponent in a headlock on the ground. The grass is wet and sprinkled with dead leaves. It's dark.
Foto: Victor Blanchevoye
Victor Blanchevoye, Hoodfights Tiel – zoomed-out shot of group of men standing around in a big field in the winter.
Foto: Victor Blanchevoye
Victor Blanchevoye, Hoodfights Tiel – two young men crouching to coach to a fighter sho is sitting on the ground barefoot looking tired.
Foto: Victor Blanchevoye
Victor Blanchevoye, Hoodfights Tiel – young man caught mid-punch. He just delivered a hook and his adversary is flying through the air.
Foto: Victor Blanchevoye
Victor Blanchevoye, Hoodfights Tiel – close-up of a young man's face all bloody, sweaty and bruised.
Foto: Victor Blanchevoye
Victor Blanchevoye, Hoodfights Tiel – young man sitting on the grass with his back to the camera. Someone's hand is pouring water on the back of his neck from a tetra pack container.
Foto: Victor Blanchevoye
Victor Blanchevoye, Hoodfights Tiel – young fighter speaking into a microphone as someone else records him. They are in a field in front of a river and it's winter.
Foto: Victor Blanchevoye
Victor Blanchevoye, Hoodfights Tiel – teenager picture from the back wearing a morocco jersey, boxing gloves and black pants. He is resting his hands on his hips.
Foto: Victor Blanchevoye
Victor Blanchevoye, Hoodfights Tiel – two young men wrestling on the ground as a referee taps them on their shoulders. They are covered in mud because the ground is wet.
Foto: Victor Blanchevoye
Victor Blanchevoye, Hoodfights Tiel – two teenagers wrestling on the wet grass with a referee about to intervene.
Foto: Victor Blanchevoye
Victor Blanchevoye, Hoodfights Tiel – A young man holding a fighter by the wrist in a dark field, probably about to announce his victory
Foto: Victor Blanchevoye
Victor Blanchevoye, Hoodfights Tiel – two teens about to hug
Foto: Victor Blanchevoye
Victor Blanchevoye, Hoodfights Tiel – close up of two teenagers wrestling on the wet grass
Foto: Victor Blanchevoye
Victor Blanchevoye, Hoodfights Tiel – Group of three men standing around in a big field with cars parked in the background
Foto: Victor Blanchevoye
Victor Blanchevoye, Hoodfights Tiel – close-up of three young men, two of them are pictured from the back. The guy on the left is helping the one in the middle have a drink.
Foto: Victor Blanchevoye
Victor Blanchevoye, Hoodfights Tiel – young men wearing a big leather coat lined with fur, a green sweater and sunglasses, snacking on some chips.
Foto: Victor Blanchevoye