Here is a cat in Fallout cosplay, via Reddit user Freyu/Kotaku
A chap in London is selling his highly sought-after Pip-Boy edition of Fallout 4 on eBay, to cover vet bills incurred after his cat decided not to piss for a few days.
The edition in question has been in the news for mostly all the wrong reasons, firstly because up close it’s not all that sweet, just some chunky plastic with a Velcro strap that doesn’t really keep it secure on your arm; and then because retailers like GAME in the UK and Gamestop in the US failed to deliver pre-orders, telling some customers that banking problems were to blame, and others that, basically, they weren’t going to get what they paid for. Here’s a guy on YouTube going off about that.
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Anyway, back on track, and back to the chap. Here’s his listing for a PS4 copy of Fallout 4, the Pip-Boy and its stand and paperwork (still sealed), and a Bobblehead figure. At the time of writing, the top bid is £180, and the seller’s description of the package reads as follows:
“Right. Here’s a thing. Pre-ordered this ages ago, desperately looking forward to playing it, wearing the Pip-Boy and generally feeling like a stone-cold wasteland champion.
“Then my cat decided not to wee for a while. Good. Thank you, Bourbon. Turns out, cats really need to pee, so we took him to the emergency vet and paid HUNDREDS OF POUNDS TO MAKE HIM WEE, oh my god I am so cross with this cat.

The seller’s copy of ‘Fallout 4’, and his cat, Bourbon (photo via eBay)
“So here we are. I either sell this thing I desperately want so I can pay the vet bills, or sell the cat and have an angry wife but a wasteland adventure. Turns out eBay doesn’t let you sell cats. So here we are.
“Contains the game, the Pip-Boy. All that jazz. Also comes with the bobblehead pictured. Please note that my expensive idiot cat is not included, though boy howdy I’m tempted.
“24hr sale and no reserve because god dammit I really need the money. Emergency vets are expensive. Sigh.
“PS: two hours later the cat was fine. Of course he was. Rotten mog.”
Sir, we’d love to say we know how you feel, but we’re not sure anybody in the world has ever found themselves in this heart-breaking situation. Please accept our deepest sympathies. And you, if you missed out on a Pip-Boy, consider brightening this fellow’s day by buying his, but loaning him the game back, as if you’re some sort of Premier League super-club mucking about with a lesser team’s star assets.
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