Another Week, Another Fatally Misjudged Fashion Experiment

A weekly roundup of anything fashion-related that’s made us excited about having bodies that we can dress with clothes.


Videos by VICE

At the right time, there really isn’t much wrong with singing in public. Sure, most of the time it should be illegal, especially if you’re attempting a round of Buena Vista Social Club on the corner of Portobello Road. Still, you really can’t argue with the last scene of Sister Act 2 when Lauryn Hill finally gets the show going. Anyway, either someone at the CFDA Awards loves Lauryn Hill or they were told to “go viral” at gunpoint, because the above happened to a whole bunch of hot skinny boys. And it really shouldn’t have.

Getting one million male models (exaggerating? IDK) who all happen to be different degrees of tone deaf to sing the world’s most overplayed song while showcasing the CFDA’S Menswear Designer of the Year nominees Michael Bastian, Duckie Brown and Thom Browne is a terrible, terrible idea. Still, Thom Browne, I forgive you anything, I will assume you were out of the country this week in order for this abomination to occur in your garments. Oh and congratulations on winning. Still, if you ever pull a stunt like this again…


How amazing are these new adidas Originals images? Well, really amazing, because it was shot by VICE favourite Leonn Ward who just did this editorial for the latest issue of our magazine. Not only is Leonn now shooting their lookbooks, but Theresa Davies is doing the make-up, which is almost too much of a good thing (except it’s really not, it’s perfect). I haven’t wanted to wear black lip-liner for about two years, and now I’m desperately licking my fingers and rubbing recycled mascara all over the outside of my mouth. The lookbook is also, dream team aside, seriously covetable. There are a couple of puffa jackets and a pair of “adidas” print tracksuit bottoms that I can imagine wearing 24 hours a day for nigh on a week before wanting to feel something other than soft soft tracksuit against my skin. Good work.


A seemingly unimportant sequence of events led someone in the world to part with £8,500 this week. Lady Gaga staged a concert, and as preparation had her hair and make-up done, as well as her nails. Later, during a particularly vigorous sequence in the show, one of her nails fell off. Somebody who had been hired to clean up all the tinsel after the set then chanced upon the sacred nail and decided to put it up for auction. Right at this moment, that person is £8,500 richer. Perhaps there’s a career in it for incredibly clean obsessives, who could scour venue floors for a scrap of Robbie William’s hair, or a bead of Nicki Minaj’s perspiration, to flog for thousands (I’m being kind, Robbie). In fact, this is definitely a reality show in the making. Imagine if you got a bit of Cher’s nose.


Remember X-Girl? The amazing clothes company started by one half of Sonic Youth, and championed in its undone NY skatergirl way by none other than Chloe Sevigny? Back then, Converse, hot pants and your brother’s old T-shirt was probably the sexiest outfit possible, and no-one bothered with maintenance, unless maintenance was crimping your hair once a year and putting on some lip gloop. Anyway, this is going somewhere, I promise. Aren’t these new Converse X Comme trainers the perfect throwback? I want to wear a dirty pair of these, hanging out of a car window pretending you’re the hot one from Bully. Thank god platform trainers are dead, long live Converse.

Previously – David Bowie, Glitter and Topless Abercrombie Models