Hey four-eyes! Yeah you, with the corrective shoe and the asthma pump dangling from the Warhammer 40,000 lanyard, breaking out in hives because you just eat the wrong kind of bread before your karate class. I have some good news for you: there’s a new Game of Thrones trailer out. Careful you don’t faint and drown in the bath of Clearasil you’ve just run for yourself.
George R.R. Martin, a man who constantly looks like he’s exasperated from a long shift driving a replica of Stephenson’s Rocket, has relinquished the story to the series’ head writers David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, as the program has gon past where he is in the books. This will undoubtedly mean an absolutely cacophony of nerd rage on all corners of the internet as dweebs speculate on how much HBO is ruining their beloved fantasy tomes with brash Hollywood antics.
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So there’s a new trailer for season six, and it’s pretty long, but it doesn’t give much away. Jon Snow still looks stabbed to death as expected but let’s speculate on whether he actually is or not, ad infinitum. The fire witch is going to get her baps out again. The younger Stark lad can stand up but it’s probably a dream, and one of those spooky ice lads is behind him. Arrows fly, wars happen, religion and monarchy clash, Danaerys is all dirty and surrounded by what look like the freed slaves and Dothraki. Can’t wait to read the thinkpieces on that one.
All in all it looks good, and you goobers should be very excited. The series premieres 24th April on HBO and Sky Atlantic.
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