This story is over 5 years old.


(Partially) Naming And (Secretly) Shaming Homophobes

Last week, a Ugandan newspaper called Rolling Stone (nothing to do with the other Rolling Stone. But I bet they have better Photoshop on their covers) published a list of 100 Ugandan gays next to a little banner which read "hang them".

I thought it would be a HILARIOUS idea to do a blog here naming and shaming a bunch of homophobes to redress the balance a little. But guess what? After hours of screencapping homophobic Facebook status updates, I'm being told I can't post people's full names or photos here for legal reasons (which makes you wonder which country is the more free, Uganda or here? Oh, nevermind.)


So here you go guys! A bunch of anonymous people who were mean about gays on the internet. Boy are they gonna be sorry when they feel the force of absolutely no negative consequences whatsoever!