Noisey Tidbits Roundup

A weekly roundup of anything music-related that’s made us excited about being able to hear things.

Blood Orange x Sugababes Released Their Own Take On Kendrick Lamar’s “Swimming Pools (Drank)”

Videos by VICE

Have you ever heard such a cluster-fuck of a collaboration? If you’d have told me ten years ago that the original Sugababes (TM) line-up would be reforming to produce their own take of a hip hop track produced by an ex member of a thrash band-cum 21st century Prince, I’d have slapped you in the face with my copy of One Touch. But, this is 2013 and anything can happen. The girls, now under the Mutya Keisha Siobhan moniker put the track out earlier this week.

Justin Timberlake Performed A Barbershop Version Of “SexyBack” On Fallon

Why, Justin? WHY? A barbershop quartet is the sort of thing they have at Disneyland to amuse people while they queue for an overpriced bagel in the shape of Mickey Mouse. It’s not the type of amusing vehicle that a pop-star should be using. Is there anyone more annoying in the world than Jimmy Fallon? He’s the type of Dad who gets too drunk at BBQs, telling you how he used to “have game” at school, while gleefully twirling a scarf around his fingers. This video is awful. I’m sorry for sharing it with you, but as a world, we need to unite and stop Justin doing these comedy skits. I don’t think I’ve ever felt closer to ending myself.

Somebody Hacked Beyonce and Jay-Z’s Financial Records And Published Them On The Internet

I’m sorry for starting this sentence with the same sentiment as the previous paragraph, but…WHY? I don’t understand. Should we care how many Veet sheets Beyonce buys on a weekly basis? How many bottles of crushed diamond shower gel Jay uses to lather his hands daily? WHY? It probably has something to do with the 1% and the 99%, but, still. Alongside getting rap royalties statements, the hacker also published the financial information of Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, Mel Gibson, Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden, amongst others. Before anyone gets any ideas – I’ve already beat you to it – the information cannot be found anywhere on the internet and is not traceable. It’s a shame because, what’s the point of the internet if you can’t know everything and anything about everyone else’s life?

Twitter Are Set To Launch A Music Service

Ever since somebody realised that Spotify could make a butt-load of cash while only paying artists $0.009 per listen, streaming services have been popping up everywhere. Though, according to CNET, the Twitter app – thought to be called Twitter Music (HOW ORIGINAL GUYS!) – aims to offer something a little different by personalising music suggestions based upon who each user followers. The app will have four main tabs – Suggested, Popular, Emerging and #nowplaying – which makes it sound slightly like a revamped version of the Hype Machine, except run by ~the people~ rather than bloggers. The app is seemingly being built to compete against Facebook’s overhaul of the music section of their News Feed. Will the music charts of the future be shown via a Twitter trending list? Will social networks soon rule the world? Will we outlive them? Or will they outlive us?

SXSW Happened

It’s true! It really, really did. It still is. If you’re a music fan and you’re on Twitter, the whole event has been pretty unavoidable. Even here, in England, miles away from tacos and Texas, we’ve been overloaded with information about who and what is playing the event. It can get pretty suffocating. Though, while we’re choking while reading through a chock-full time-line, bands who are at the event are also getting pissed off. And by bands, I mean a band. And by a band, I mean DIIV. Posting to the bands Tumblr, Zachary Cole Smith wrote –

“Hi Austin. Fuck SXSW. There… I said it. Here, the music comes last. 5 minute set-up, no sound check, 15 minute set. The “music” element is all a front, it’s the first thing to be compromised. Corporate money everywhere but in the hands of the artists, at what is really just a glorified corporate networking party. Drunk corporate goons and other industry vampires and cocaine. Everyone is drunk, being cool. “Official” bureaucracy and all their mindless rules. Branding, branding, branding. It’s bullshit… sorry.”

– I’m sorry too, Cole. I’d been having a pretty shitty time sat on the internet reading about other people having fun. But you’re there and you’re having a worse time! So, it really must be bad. I’d suggest getting drunk, but maybe you hate brands so much that drinks are off limits? ANYWAY, I’m not in a place to comment since I’m stuck in England. I’m sure it’s frustrating, but, suck it up baby boy. Or, go on an all out rampage. A Tumblr post is just bathwater.