Talkin’ Bout the Boards – Here’s Five MInutes of Your Life Back

I hate being mean to people, but you’re not people to me, so each week I troll the boards looking for dumbshits who wrote dumb shit and then I draw you and your dumbshit additions to the internet. Be more funny, please.

I’d like to say an extra special fuck you to Robin Sas, who called me “a greasy peice of shit”. Fuck you to death, Robin.

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Nicholas Gazin

Robin Sas · Montreal, Quebec
what a fucking shitty interview and waste of fucking time I read it and then wanted the five minutes of my life back fuck you Gazin you’re a greasy peice of shit grow the fuck up and listen to music that isn’t FUCKING TERRIBLE. Eclectic producing? Are you fucked? Or are you just deaf?

Reply · 2 · Like · Follow Post · 18 hours ago

Devin Broadbent · Works at Pepperl+Fuchs

Nothing says happy holidays like meow!

Aharon Willows-Hebert ·  Top Commenter · Lewiston High School
I am bothered by the logic fail whereby a fat guy, I mean just a disgustingly gross fat guy, thinks a goatee looks good on him.

Reply · Like · 4 hours ago