‘Vania The Bear Versus Radioactive Hellrats,’ Today’s Comic by Pedro d’Apremont, Gabriel Góes and Cynthia Bonacossa By Pedro d'Apremont, Gabriel Góes, and Cynthia Bonacos August 29, 2016, 10:15am Share: X Facebook ShareCopied to clipboard Get the VICE App on iOS and Android. MoreFrom VICE Queer Asian Films Are Finally Becoming More Prevalent 11.05.16 By Lilian Min The Beauty of Islam Brought Me Out of the Closet 11.04.16 By Drew Harper How I Fell In and Out of Love with Cultural Appropriation 11.03.16 By Reneysh Vittal Ecosexuals Believe Having Sex with the Earth Could Save It 11.02.16 By Neil McArthur