VICE Exclusive: The One and Only PPL MVR Are Freaky Gorillas Who Like Autotune

The main thing about “the one and only PPL MVR” (that’s their name) is that they dress up in freaky, primitive humanoid outfits. The Hollywood-based band either has really good PR people or they just enjoy engaging in every form of shameless fame-generating behavior that exists in 2015. They ask people to post pictures of themselves sitting on a bench with a PPL MVR advertisement on it and to hashtag the pictures “#SitOnPPLMVR.” They have a very sleek website. They fire sizzling eye lasers at their audiences. They’re going places.

Now, the band has a video for their song “Let’s Take This Outside.” It involves a lot of autotune, indulgent pancake breakfasts, and drumsticks made of large bones. I don’t really get why this band exists, but I am so glad they do. Welcome to 2015—we’re all just here for the spectacle.

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