Watch Kanye West and Caitlyn Jenner Talk About Public Perception

This weekend just gone saw the series premiere for Caitlyn Jenner’s E! series “I Am Cait”. In a snippet posted to YouTube, we see Caitlyn’s son-in-law, recent microphone dropper, and The World’s Greatest Rockstar stop by with Kim Kardashian.

Kanye’s been supportive of Caitlyn’s transition; according to Jenner, he helped Kim begin to understand Jenner’s decision for transitioning, telling her “I can be married to the most beautiful woman in the world, and I am. I can have the most beautiful little daughter in the world, and I have that. But I’m nothing if I can’t be me; if I can’t be true to myself, they don’t mean anything”. But the recent airing of “I Am Cait” is the first time Kanye’s publicly gone on record with his support.

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West told Jenner that her transition is “one of the strongest things that have happened in our existence as human beings that are so controlled by perception. ‘Cause you couldn’t have been up against more. Your daughter’s a supermodel, you’re a celebrity…every type of thing, and it was still like, ‘Fuck everybody, this is who I am.’”

Watch the clip above.