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Tinder has been around for long enough that we know who to swipe left on without even using our brains. When you see someone doing yoga on a beach or at a full moon party your thumb moves with unthinking knee-jerk speed the same way it would if you touched a hot kettle.
But what makes you right-swipe? How can you in a split second, think, yes, I can forsee a future in which me and this person might have sex and a jumper we both wear and Christmas together and a flat and a baby and a life insurance policy?
Videos by VICE
Conventional wisdom is that it’s all about being looking fit in your pictures. Millennials are base creatures and dating apps have taken our tastes and desires down to the lowest common denominator. We want casual sex with attractive people and we want it within five kilometres and minimal conversation
But perhaps it’s not as simple as that. New data released by Tinder shows that certain professions get a lot more right swipes than others. For men, the jobs most likely right-swiped are: pilot, entrepreneur, firefighter, doctor or TV personality (so basically the jobs you read about in kids books and Jamie Laing). For women it’s physical therapist, interior designer, founder-entrepreneur, PR and teacher.
Who knows why these jobs get the most attention. What is intrinsically sexy about an interior designer? Unless you went through late-stages of puberty watching Million Dollar Decorators that makes little logical sense. The only way to find out what really makes these jobs fit is to talk to the people who do them. So prepare yourself guys, some red hot professions coming your way.
VICE: So Nick, pilots are the most right-swiped for dudes. Why do you think that is?
Nick Patel: It’s desirable in terms of profession because being a pilot is one of the very few things that’s very high in terms of skill, alongside doctors and lawyers. It’s not something everyone does or skills everyone has.
So it’s niche and people dig that?
Yeah, a lot of people are impressed by it. You don’t meet many people who have the ability to fly. Every time I’ve mentioned it to people they’re so wowed about it.
Has it helped you get people into bed in the past?
Yeah I’ll definitely big it up more if there’s someone hot around.
Would you be impressed if you met another pilot?
Hell yeah. With flying, it’s a passion. You have a lot of things you can talk about when it’s someone with a similar interest. It’s a job that’s so different; that aspect of being in the air, for me it’s a thrill. When I meet other pilots you definitely have an understanding. I love planespotting and all of that, and you find that with pilots.
Oh my god, I just realised you have a plane sticker on your laptop.
Hahaha. Yeah…
Mike Buonaiuto, Founder Of Shape History
VICE: Hi Mike. You job is one of the most attractive out there for a human man. How does that make you feel?
Mike Buonaiuto: Your job says a lot about you. The fact we’ve gone out and done our own thing is attractive. I’ve gone off and set up my own agency and that says a lot about me. Everyone wants to find someone who has job freedom and has the guts to go and do what they love.
Is that willingness to risk-take sexy?
Definitely. I guess taking a risk is what I find attractive in other people and not just in partnerships but in people you work with too. You want to know people that are passionate.
Hypothetically, would you wanna date a founder of a company?
I would but alarm bells would ring, because I know how workaholic and slightly crazy I am over work. I’m not sure I’d want to. The idea of dating a me is more attractive than actually the reality of it.
Billy Tarr – Junior Doctor

*This is not a real photograph of Billy Tarr, the doctor we spoke to; this is a stock image of the irrefutably fittest doctor from the TV, Alex Adams in Holby City as played by Jeremy Sheffield in the early 2000s. Billy didn’t want his picture in this because of all the junior doctor strike stuff which is fair enough really.
VICE: Hi Billy! So doctors are fit. Top five level fit.
Billy Tarr: I was surprised that it’s in the top five. Your work 56 hours a week, minimum, and almost every weekend. I’m surprised people would put up with us coming home in the middle of the night or weekends or whatever. I guess we’re portrayed as quite compassionate, we’re nice people generally. We spend all day talking to people so we’re good at conversation.
Have you found potential lovers have gone crazy for it?
I go out with girls who are also medical students so I’ve never really had a chance to find out.
So you all keep it within the community?
I’ve dated two medical students and they’ve both been my kind of age and level of training. We’re quite busy. They say that in every cohort of trainee doctors going through there’ll be a few marriages within the class. But then we do spend six years together. I know a couple of my friends have been going out since first year so there must be some truth in it.
The fact you’ve studied and actually been bothered to commit to something for so long is quite attractive.
Yeah I guess, I’d never though of that. It’s fair to say people do hold a certain amount of respect for it. That’s nice.
Lottie Hunt – PR, Devil PR
VICE: Hi Lottie. Your job is very likely to get you right-swiped. Well done. What qualities do you think PRs have that make them attractive?
Lottie Hunt: I suppose being a PR requires great interpersonal skills, confidence, creativity and an ability to “attempt” to stay cool in high pressure and ridiculous situations. I mean, I would find those qualities attractive in a guy so, I guess that’s why we’ve come out at the top of the list?
Have you ever used it trying to chirpse a guy?
Definitely not. In my experience, working in music PR, the interest is more in the music and artists that we work with, rather than what I actually do. I don’t think people actually understand what PR is half the time. I get a lot of, “So what do you actually do?” I prefer to stay illusive than let on that I actually spend most of my time running up and down millions of flights of stairs in the backstage of venues that have no phone signal, manically looking for journalists and disappearing band members and trying to connect them together.
Would you ever date a PR yourself or has being one put you off massively?
Well never say never, but I guess the only thing is knowing how full-on the job is, and how many extra hours you work in the evenings and weekends at gigs and festivals. I’d probably never see them. Maybe I’d need someone with a bit more balance and calm in their job, like a carpenter, or wildlife photographer? Please direct all enquiries or applications my way of course.
Sophie Finch (pictured waving with her team) – Interior Designer; Finch Interiors
VICE: Alright Sophie! Why on earth do you think you lot get right-swiped?
Sophie Finch: Maybe because we’re creative? We’re intelligent but a bit more free thinking. We seem fun. It sounds a bit pretentious but we’re not stuck in a bank working nine to five. We also have sense of style.
That makes sense. If you make interiors look nice, you’re not going to look crap.
Yes and maybe we push things a bit more sartorially. For instance, I like a sequinned jacket of the bomber variety. That might be what it is, they can spot us in the pub.
I thought maybe they think you’re going to make their horrible flat look better?
I hate the idea of that, us being the one that makes the nest but yeah maybe it is that. My other half is actually an interior designer as well. I’ve only ever been out with designers. One of the other girls here – her boyfriend’s in fashion. I think designers as a whole bracket just go for each other. Creatives wouldn’t likely date corporate people.
Edwina Eddleston – Founder of creative agency LDR
VICE: Hey Edwina! Why do you think your job is so right-swipeable?
Edwina Eddleston: As a founder you get problems thrown at you from all angles, you have to constantly be on your feet. You have to actually rally people around you and have confidence. You’re very problemsolving. That must be very attractive to people because you don’t wait to be looked after. Or wait around for someone else to clear stuff up.
Do you think they find it intimidating – and they’re kinda into that?
Yeah, I definitely do think guys find it intimidating. That intimidation factor also comes from the passion levels rising a bit too high when you know what you’re talking about. Just the level of knowledge.
Founder-entrepreneur was number two for guys. Would you date another of your own?
There are two types of founders: an A type and a B type. The A type is hugely creative, the B type is the organised, more process driven. I’m a B type and I think if I met a creative, chaotic type, maybe yes if it worked well. But I’d be inclined to say no…
What do guys say when you drop the title in there?
A lot of intrigue. A lot of questions. There are no rules as such for a founder. Not to sound egotistical, but people are sometimes in awe that you have to wear so many hats.
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I Spent a Month Dating Sugar Mummas and I Wouldn’t Do It Again
From left: American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp, White House adviser Steve Bannon, and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus