Would You Vote for Julian Assange for Senate?

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Julian Assange recently announced he’s running for Australian Senate. The silver-haired egotist famed for founding WikiLeaks and taking residence in the Ecuadorian embassy while he evades questioning over assault allegations said, “My plans are to essentially parachute in a crack troop of investigative journalists into the Senate and to do what we have done with WikiLeaks, in holding banks and government and intelligence agencies to account.”   

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How he plans to effectively govern from his comfy confines is beyond me, but I took to the streets to see if the public would back him anyway. London, would you vote for Julian Assange for Senate?

Matt, 21, professional bogan: That’s the question? No one is going to care about him running for Australian senate.

What about voting for him for any public office?
No, I wouldn’t.

How come?
Because he’s a human headline.

Don’t you think he would add transparency to any government he was a part of?
You’re talking to the wrong person. I have no idea. Wait, isn’t he still in the Ecuadorian embassy?

Well then how fuck is he going to run for Australian senate?

Great question.

Ras, 26, unemployed layabout “in between gigs”: Well, it’s tangled issue.

What makes it tangled?
For me, I absolutely loved everything about it at first. But now I see him as an opportunist. And now I doubt him. I loved him and everything he did at the beginning, but now, with this, maybe it’s just another level of him being an opportunist. He’s detached himself from WikiLeaks and I’m still behind WikiLeaks 100 percent.

You’re from Sweden – do you think he did what he’s charged with?
This actual story that he’s alleged guilty – even if you were the best fiction writer, you couldn’t make it up. It’s so strange. But I think he’s guilty and there’s a reason why he’s hiding.

Brooke, 22, student: No, he looks too rapey.

What’s rapey about him?
His whole face.

So you don’t like the silver fox look?
On Anderson Cooper, yes. On him, no.

Fair enough.

Alan, 30, event planner: Who? I don’t even know who you’re talking about.

The WikiLeaks guy. He’s in the Ecuadorian embassy. Silver hair.
Oh yeah. I don’t know, man.

Don’t you think he would add transparency to any government he was a part of?
I just couldn’t care less.

So you’re totally apathetic?
Yeah. If he wants to do it, let him get on with it.

Ali, 24, filmmaker: Yeah, I would.

Because he stands up for something.

What do you mean by that?
I think he opened up a few eyes. He made people see that the information that is fed to them is tempered. People aren’t being told the truth. He showed that.

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