reihan salam

  • The VICE Podcast - Professor Bitcoin

    Jerry Brito is a senior research fellow at George Mason University in Virginia and one of the world's leading Bitcoin experts. This week on the podcast, Jerry was kind enough to explain exactly how the decentralized digital currency works.

  • The VICE Podcast - Marijuana-Policy Reform in 2014

    Rebecca Richman Cohen is a lecturer at Harvard Law School and an Emmy-nominated documentary filmmaker. Her latest film, Code of the West, follows the political process of marijuana-policy reform in Montana, as well as the federal crackdown on...

  • The VICE Podcast - Hilton Als on Writing and Race

    Reihan Salam welcomes Hilton Als, one of America's most daring and inventive critics, and they discuss Als's early years as a writer, what it means to cross racial and cultural barriers, and Als's latest book, White Girls.
