Adam Baron

  • Yemen Wants Their Guantanamo Detainees Back

    Of the 166 detainees who remain held without charge in Guantanamo Bay, 91 are Yemeni. It’s not quite as popular an issue as the drone strikes, but Yemenis still bring up Guantanamo on a nearly weekly basis. Many see the legal limbo of their fellow...

  • The South (of Yemen) Will Rise Again

    When I arrived in Aden on February 24, the tensions were palpable. Three days before, a crackdown on a secessionist demonstration left four protesters dead. Government troops faced off with the seemingly disorganized demonstrators, firing in the air to...

  • Who Is Causing the Blackouts in Yemen?

    Beyond offering an outlet, the attacks on the electrical grid have a decent track record of getting results; as some see it, the whole thing is almost a sort of game. Tribesmen commit acts of sabotage with the goal of being offered incentives...

  • Yemeni Tribal Kidnapping Negotiations Are Surprisingly Civil

    While the media tends to focus on the rare occurrences involving foreigners or those somehow linked to al Qaeda, the vast majority of kidnappings in Yemen are domestic tribal affairs that end peacefully without any government involvement. In the...