Chris Nieratko

  • Porn Stars Auction Their Bodies for Oklahoma Tornado Victims

    I went to the Exxotica Porn Expo to ask some of the top adult-film stars what sexual act they’d be willing to donate to my fictitious auction to help raise money for the victims of the Oklahoma tornadoes. If the comical responses of these porn stars...

  • Obedience School

    Have you ever tried to mop up the floodwaters of a squirter? FEMA and the Red Cross combined would be ill-equipped to handle the task; there just aren’t enough sandbags on earth to hold back those tides. Hurricane Sandy’s aftermath was nothing compared...

  • Jeff Grosso Has a Beautiful Mind

    Is Jeff Grosso the last vestige of free speech in skateboarding? We don’t know, but we like the way he talks about drugs.

  • Skateboarding's Most Violent Team Manager Has Mellowed Out

    Deluxe Distribution's Mic-e Reyes has never kicked anyone off his team for smoking pot, but he has kicked a lot of ass over the years.

  • Belladonna's Dick Sauce (Animal Style)

    My eyes are currently bleeding semen. Each moment they remain open, it feels like vats of acid are being poured into my retinas. The excruciating pain is a direct result of watching porn for the past 12 hours straight.

  • Gimme a Fucking Break #4

    Despite flunking out of six of the most prestigious institutions of higher learning in New Jersey in less than three years, I never got to experience the crazy beach rompfest marinated in cheap beer that is spring break.