Matthew Francey

  • An Interview with One of Greenpeace's Freed Arctic 30

    Frank Hewetson has been released, but is still facing charges and seven years in a Russian jail after protesting deep-sea drilling in the Arctic Sea.

  • The Colorado Town Promising to Shoot Down Obama's Surveillance Drones

    No one likes drones. But it's not just killer war drones making us uncomfortable. This year has seen vast advances in the domestic use of surveillance drones. The people of Deer Trail, Colorado, have decided to do something about it. They are trying to...

  • Watching Three People Share a $384,000 Burger Is Surprisingly Boring

    As the world’s population hurtles toward an estimated 9 billion by 2050, global food shortages are becoming a very real problem. It’s obvious that the meat industry as we know it is unsustainable, but for the vast majority of us, the prospect of...

  • Henry Hargreaves Photographs Death Row's Final Meals

    Henry Hargreaves is no TV chef. Rather than trying to save the country one school dinner at a time or “throw together a crostini,” he’s made a name for himself recreating the last meals of various serial killers on death row and presenting them in a...

  • The Boy Wonder of the British Far Right Is Sad That Thatcher Died

    The response to Margaret Thatcher's death has been mixed—some loved her and others loathed her. One opinion of Thatcher that is backed by a lifetime of worship is Jack Buckby's, founder of the National Culturists. The National Culturists are a far...

  • This Guy Wants to Start His Own Aryan Country

    You know who really gets the shitty end of the stick nowadays? White people. Sure, they come out best in socioeconomic standings and suffer no persecution for the color of their skin, but they have to put up with non-white people living among them. The...

  • The Leader of the Real KKK DM'd Me on Twitter

    Logging into Twitter last week to find a direct message from the leader of the Ku Klux Klan was a new one for me. The message was from the Grand Imperial Wizard of the United Klans of America, who said I should speak to him, the leader of the "true...

  • Who Feels Bad for the KKK?

    Last Sunday, the world was appalled to hear that the Ku Klux Klan had set a 20-year-old black woman on fire, until it was revealed that she faked the whole thing. So, I called the KKK to see if they were worried that the attack might sully their good...

  • Helping the Malaysian Government Find Gays with Grindr

    The Malaysian government has a throbbing, vein-popping hard-on for gay guys. In fact, they're so concerned about the homosexual population's "rampant" activities that the education minister has just published a handy guide on how to "spot a gay."

  • Someone Put Anthrax in My Heroin

    As if their lives didn't suck enough already, what with all the HIV, hepatitis, and chronic constipation, it recently surfaced that smack fanatics in Europe should now be wary of anthrax too.