Rick Paulas

Rick Paulas

  • Praise Kubrick Christ

    The new movie 'Room 237,' which explores all the crackpot theories on what Kubrick's 'The Shining' is about, sums up just about everything in religion. In it, nuts search for a hidden message that Kubrick is trying to deliver to a small group of...

  • The Bible Is Nothing but Fan Fiction for Jesus

    What doesn't make sense is that some of the accounts of Jesus are considered truth, while others are deemed apocryphal. The original gospels were written down centuries after the events described, so it's not as if one has true boots-on-the-ground...

  • Young People Still Suck

    It isn't hard to see which way the winds are blowing regarding gay marriage. All you need is a second-grade reading comprehension and a very simple understanding of statistics.

  • Meet Frank

    Rejoice! The new pope is a man of the people! He famously cooks his own meals, rides the bus to work, and lives in a single apartment rather than in the palace befitting an archbishop. These are all good things! But there's also this...

  • Religiosity Is Killing in Mississippi

    Fifty-eight percent of Mississippi's residents describe themselves as “very religious.” The state also lays claim to both the highest teen birthrate and the highest HIV rate in young adults. In this experience we call life, there are plenty of...

  • Religion Can Ruin Your Heroes

    The problem with Jim Miller's comment about gays never being accepted in NFL locker rooms pisses me off not just because it's an asinine way of thinking, but because he's ruined any goodwill I felt about the 2001 Chicago Bears.

  • We Spoke to the Guy Who Wrote the Real Screenplay for 'Argo'

    Contrary to how Affleck's film portrays it, the script for 'Argo' wasn't just some jokey, throwaway nonsense a hack writer shat out. It was the opening salvo for a dream that would change the world written by Barry Ira Geller.

  • Whoever Wins, We Lose

    Being deep enough into Catholicism to the point where you can be considered to lead the church means not being too forward-thinking. In fact, let's take a gander at the top five candidates—according to, of course, a betting website—and see what they...

  • Papal Infallibility Is a Problem for the Catholic Church

    Among the many beliefs that members of the Catholic Church hold is “papal infallibility.” Benedict's resignation is the first instance the Church has had to deal with two people holding infallibility at the same time, which is troublesome.

  • Art Imitates Life, Then Gets You Killed by Fanatics

    There is a scene in 'Zero Dark Thirty' that is pretty unspectacular, one that in a vacuum would be forgotten as soon as the end credits roll. But there's a good chance this little scene will lead to people getting killed.

  • The Ravens Are God's Favorites

    Fifty-three percent of Americans think God rewards athletes who believe in Him with good health and great success. In other words, yesterday, God chose his most-loved, and by default his most-hated, Harbaugh brother.

  • A Catholic Hospital Is Arguing That a Fetus Is Not a Person

    Legally, the argument is sound. Colorado, the state, does not define a fetus as a person. But what kind of blatant hypocrisy would motivate a Catholic hospital to argue in court that only individuals born alive are people?