Alex Schubert

  • Blobby Boys in the Hand of Death

    One night, a customer stops by Blobby's house to buy weed. He invites Blobby to come with him to a cult meeting. The cult leader thinks he will kill Blobby, but Blobby has other plans.

  • Nick Gazin's Comic Book Love-in #95

    Greetings, losers. My name is Nick Gazin, and I am VICE's comics expert. In this column I write about comics, zines, art books, fan culture, and events related to those things. Mostly I just review comics though.

  • Screw Everyone

    Dav is having one of those days. By “one of those days,” we mean he's dealing with fire, helicopters, and stupid itty bitty humans who refuse to shut up.

  • The Glider Gang

    OK everybody, first we'll swoop down on the high school. (Ring! Ring!) Hang on a sec.

  • Fashion Cat

    I used to be homeless but now I'm the most famous cat in New York City. I just got $200,000 to model in this fashion show. I haven't spoken to my father since I left home at 16.

  • Business Man

    "Are you painting my building?" Business Man gets more than he bargained for from a peaceable graffiti writer. Ka-Thunk!