Atlas Shrugged

  • Ayn Rand Crosses Over to Britain

    Ayn Rand's me-first philosophy of Objectivism has already infiltrated mainstream conservatism in the US, but as a recent lecture I attended shows, the hardcore capitalists are spreading their gospel on the other side of the Atlantic too.

  • I Signed Up for the Ayn Rand Fan Club Dating Site

    The Atlasphere is the preeminent online dating site for people who love Ayn Rand and Objectivism. I went deep into their profiles in search of my own personal "Galt's Gulch," if you catch my drift.

  • What's the Smartest Thing You've Ever Done?

    Humans are ugly creatures. We could go up to people and ask them about the worst shit they’ve ever taken while tripping on shrooms and get tons of gut-wrenching answers—but you know what? We’re tired of doing that. We’ve had a long week and we need...