
  • Nerdwatch 2012

    I attended the New York Comic Con this year, and it was such a beautiful experience that it dragged me out of a depression that didn't seem to have a foreseeable end. I hung out with friends, met some of my heroes, sold some art, and bought some art...

  • The Less Crappy Referees Are Back

    What happened last week in sports? The fake football referees really blew it, so the real referees returned. Some baseball teams made the playoffs, and a hockey player got real emotional on Twitter.

  • Who Was That Guy Hosting the Oscars Last Night?

    Last night, we noticed that the guy from "City Slickers" was hosting the Oscars for the 47th time. We wondered if the average Joe on the street remembers who that guy is.

  • The First Annual Story Awards - Heavy Shit

    This must have been about 25 years ago. I was 18 and I was getting wasted with my born-again Christian pal and my Nazi skinhead pal. We had been drinking Labatt 50 all day and doing MDA (an early version of E).

  • The First Annual Story Awards - Wtf?!?

    When I broke up with my boyfriend I was left tenderhearted and frail. He cheated on me with some fat bitch and it seemed as though our relationship had run its course. On the upside, I had lost so much weight that my favorite bikini now fit me.

  • The First Annual Story Awards - Rock And Roll

    I was leaving Portland’s premier venue when the saxophonist from local cabaret-rock act muttered some cheeky little remark to me. I dropped the nut on him, knocking his two front teeth out and leaving him unable to play his instrument, for which I am...