
  • 'Breaking Bad' May As Well Be Set in China

    The more I watch the show, the more I realize that it could easily be transplanted to the People's Republic and largely be the same thing. And possibly, even better.

  • The Apocalypse Has Come Early to Athens, Greece

    Photographer Dimitrs Kleanthris wanted to show just how bad its gotten in Greece, so he climbed to the top of the lofty hotels and high-rise apartments of Athens and snapped photos of people milling about in quiet desperation on the streets below.

  • Ya Got Any Gum?

    Here are three tips to make your breath smell all nice and pretty in the future.

  • God Vs. The Ladies

    The original scriptures—the template which has led to today's incarnation of religion—were written by men during a time when women were property and mystical beasts who occasionally farted out children. This factoid explains the troubling inherent...

  • Flack for Fracking

    A University of Texas researcher found no link between hydro-fracking and water contamination. Spoiler: He's being paid.

  • Is the Internet Good or Bad?

    Without the web, we'd probably be in better shape. But then again, we'd have to pay for porn.