
  • Sympathy for the Beijing Airport Bomber

    Years after Dongguan police beat Ji Zhongxing and left him paralyzed, he went to the Beijing Capital International Airport to hand out out leaflets regarding his grievances. When airport security officers approached him and asked him to stop, Ji held...

  • I Spent an Entire Day On the Beijing Subway

    If Beijing's subway feeds the city's beating heart, then Line 2 is its circulatory system. Its looped route traces the path once taken by the ancient city walls, but Mao's disdain for history saw the structure make way for subterranean tunnels and the...

  • Beijing’s Pollution Problem Is Becoming Hard to Ignore

    It’s hard to describe the feeling of looking out the window and not being able to see buildings that you know are there through the smoke, or looking down a subway platform and seeing the other end obscured by a scrim of gray dust. It’s even harder to...

  • The Creators Project: Beijing 2012

    The Creators Project just had its third visit to China, where the two-day Beijing 2012 event featured Real Estate, Chromatics, James Murphy, and more.

  • Raw China

    Martinez joined the army in 1989 at the age of 22.

  • Raw China

    Wu Deshun lives next to a warehouse off Guanghua Lu in what can best be described as a hovel, a cinder block, one-story, falling-apart edifice in the shadow of the almost-completed CCTV headquarters.

  • Raw China

    Jocko Weyland is a writer, photographer, and chronicler of skateboarding from America who's currently living in Beijing.

  • Raw China - The Red Gas Station

    After some fruitless searching I crossed the road and walked past a guard into the building with the unlit “SOAR” sign I hadn’t seen during the first drive-by.

  • Chinese Natural History Museum

    Last year, Belgian photojournalist Nick Hannes took a year off from shooting warzones all over the world and travelled from Antwerp to Vladivostok and somehow then ended up in Beijing.